#FridaysForFuture #GlobalClimateStrike, September 24, 2021

In Toronto thousands of students and supporters rallied at Queens Park, then marched to City Hall and back, calling for climate action and social justice from all levels of government. See the demands here.
Statement by FridaysForFuture
The theme of this strike is #UPROOTTHESYSTEM. Uprooting means removing by the roots, which reflects well our belief that we must address the root causes of the climate crisis to truly tackle it.
By striking on September 24th under the banner #UPROOTTHESYSTEM, we recognize and raise awareness about the intersections of climate and socio-economic crises including racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality and more.
By striking together, united by common struggles, we demand a rapid and fair decarbonization of our economy, for a safer, greener, more just future.
People’s Climate Movement (Toronto and the GTA) applauds and supports FridaysForFuture.
The student movement to save the planet from catastrophic climate change continues to grow around the world.
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike calls for supporters of all ages to join.
To see all event locations in Canada, go to the Canadian Climate Striker’s Map, and zoom in.
Guidelines for organizing and registering new events are there as well.

Greta Thunberg with Jane Goodall at Davos
“None of the world’s major economies – including the entire G20 – have a climate plan that meets their obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement”
Greta Thunberg.(https://t.co/smSwZqsHPj)